Shades of Purple Garden Bouquet
Garden fresh beauty and simplicity in our hand-tied bouquets available in purples, creams & neutrals and peachy pink pastels. Large “farmer’s choice” flowers such as Stock, Statice, Delphinium or Larkspur, Wax Flowers, Green Mist, Ferns, Ruscus and other focal flowers and greens. Wrapped in colorful floral and brown Kraft paper and tied with a Satin ribbon. Afternoon / evening delivery recommended to ensure freshness. No vase or water.
Garden fresh beauty and simplicity in our hand-tied bouquets available in purples, creams & neutrals and peachy pink pastels. Large “farmer’s choice” flowers such as Stock, Statice, Delphinium or Larkspur, Wax Flowers, Green Mist, Ferns, Ruscus and other focal flowers and greens. Wrapped in colorful floral and brown Kraft paper and tied with a Satin ribbon. Afternoon / evening delivery recommended to ensure freshness. No vase or water.
Garden fresh beauty and simplicity in our hand-tied bouquets available in purples, creams & neutrals and peachy pink pastels. Large “farmer’s choice” flowers such as Stock, Statice, Delphinium or Larkspur, Wax Flowers, Green Mist, Ferns, Ruscus and other focal flowers and greens. Wrapped in colorful floral and brown Kraft paper and tied with a Satin ribbon. Afternoon / evening delivery recommended to ensure freshness. No vase or water.